Product Description
What is a biodegradable material?
The term biodegradable is used to describe materials that decompose through the actions of bacteria. fungl, and other living organisms -simply put it has the ability to break down or decompose back into the natural environment without causing harm Examples of well known biodearadable materials used in medical industries are PLA, PLLA, PLGA, PGA and PCL
What is PLA?
PLA(Poly-Lactic Acid.Polylactide)is an aliphatic thermoplastic polymer derived from 100% renewable resources, such as corn and potato starch.
Through polymerization,PLA resuits in Poly(L-lactic acid)(PLLA) and Poly (D-lactic acid) (PDLA). Widely commercialized Polylactide in the market is PLLA The chemical and physical properties of these PLA are completely the same.
Medical substances with biodegradable PLA can be decomposed in the body after completing their function.
Since no surgery needs to take out biodegradable PLA from the body,PLA prevents chronic problems or nuisance from eliminating non-degradable polymers that are left in the body after treatment
AestheFill is made of PLA(poly-Lactic acid) which is biocompatible and biodegradable substance approved by the US FDA and also used in materials for lifting th